rtistic Stone of America
"Sand & Stone for all seasons and climates." TM

Proudly Made-in-America since 1989
Colors and Finishes
We currently offer 3 different color options for our Stone/epoxy sculptures and 7 finishes for our Sand/epoxy sculptures.
**Free-form finishes are also available for your purchase if specific colors are not necessarily required or requested.

Natural stone finish

Natural stone combined with green and blue pigments.

Natural stone combined with red and black pigments.

Highlighted white coats applied over silica sand base, creating a bi-dimensional look. Very European in it's inspiration.

Grey and black base coats accented with subtle white paint.

Solid gold finish, ideal for more conservative, traditional use. Perfect for Christmas decor.

Cocoa brown base with brushed tan accents. Very subtle and classy finish, highlighting the detailed workmanship of every piece.

Tan base finished with brown, black, green and white accents. A very natural, aged, old-world look.

Dark bronze and black finish accented with uniquely painted tan accents.